
How to Save on Groceries (without Sacrificing Your Health)

This article is for those of us concerned with health AND wealth.


Last month, a conversation started with a friend, when my newsletter advised we spend an average of $75 for groceries weekly. Given our inflation (and it’s here to stay, folks, probably increasing more before 2022 is over), you’ll want to know where you can save money without sacrificing your health.


The conversation with my friend also led to my take on the organic industry. I want you to understand both sides of the argument, so you can make educated decisions for yourself, your family, AND your future.


Side note: For those not in my region of Long Island, NY, Wild by Nature is a local health food store owned by King Kullen. It’s a smaller version of Whole Foods, but a little larger than the ma-n-pa varieties found in many towns.


“I shopped at whole foods last week with my husband—our grocery bill came to $280.00!!


I know they are more over-priced—how do you keep it down to $75.00!? Are you buying all organic?” 


That’s why they call it Whole Paycheck, darling! It’s also why I balance Wild by Nature with other stores, because it’s just too pricey in those stores, for sound reasons (buying power, blah blah). No, we don’t buy 100% organic, for too many reasons to write about (I explain it more in my Edible Holistic 101 class, though). Here are a few major talking points that keep our bill down so low:

How Outdated DIEtary Trends Kill Us

For the audio / video version of this post, click here

Here’s something I’ve never shared before, to explain this further—my father died of a sudden heart attack at 47, as you know. (I’m now 4 months older than he was, which is surreal…)

What you don’t know is the secondary cause of his heart attack… “DT tremors”. He was again going cold turkey, giving up drinking in an instant. He did this throughout my childhood and young adulthood—each time, putting his body under more and more stress. He’d then pick the bottle and cans when he fell off the wagon, and repeat the detox process every few years.

There’s only so much your body can take when you push and pull it—his heart couldn’t take another round of detox, so he collapsed in the shower and died before the ambulance arrived. He didn’t understand how to kick the habit or how his brain worked, so he did the best he could to fight his addiction.

This shouldn’t be your story, but so many crash DIEts cause a similar outcome. I want you to understand how your brain works, so you can stop whatever your “poison” is and replace it with a healthy habit you love. I want you to stop putting extra stress and pressure on your organs, so they can operate into your 70s, 80s, and 90s, fully functioning, keeping you alert and full of passion. So I’ll discuss habits, skills, identity and so on over the next couple of weeks.

It doesn’t matter that my father’s poison was alcohol… substitute alcohol for a high-fat, lower fiber diet; excessive amounts of meat and dairy; a sugar addiction; or just eating endless supplies of ultra-processed foods. All poisons have the same effect on your body. They just result in different ailments for you than they did for him.

Why Healthy, Successful People Ignore the Plant Paradox 

This tells me is there’s yet another push to bastardize plants, leaving people MORE confused about nutrition. It’s another unsustainable ploy, cleverly nested under the guise of “health and weight loss,” completely ignoring the unsustainable nature of yet another fad diet.

It also ignores science (I still believe in science, despite the horrible turn many scientists have taken over the last couple of decades). This fad is no different from all the other ban-the-plants-eat-more-meat-and-fat DIEts out there. The common enemy? Ironically, the ONLY food group that prevents and reverses most diseases. Plants.

The Ornish Lifestyle Heart Program is the #1 and ONLY diet proven to prevent and reverse heart disease. In fact, U.S. News & World Report lists the anti-plant/anti-carb Atkins and Paleo diets last on that same list, but I digress…

Real Heal Original Tattoo Aftercare/All-Purpose Salve

Within the first year of releasing Real Heal in the tattoo aftercare market, I received unexpected feedback. While I knew it worked as a fantastic healing agent for cuts and chapped lips, clients mentioned its ability to speed healing for diaper rash, burns, runner’s chaffing, insect bites, and much more. Recently, a friend texted me about a burn; she wanted to know which product of mine worked best.

While NovE/Real Heal Jell-E is a great treatment for calming the skin, I advised her to use the Real Heal Original/All-Purpose Salve she had on hand. Here’s her journey, unedited:

Fact or Fad? You Decide!

P.S. There was a report on NPR yesterday about a massive sugar beet crop failure. The summary included information about the U.S. importing sugar from around the world. I laughed and yelled at the same time (to anyone driving past me when I had my outburst; I swear I’m not crazy!). I guarantee these are GMO crops… the same GMO crops that we’re told will “save the planet.”

The truth? GMO crops consistently fail. You cannot create a superior product to Nature. She’s spent millions of years perfecting DNA.

Permaculture and the Story of Stuff

I’m in the throes of learning about Urban Gardening and closed-loop systems. My quest for next year’s edible bounty brought me to a short video you need to see, called “The Story of Stuff.”

It reminds me of my journey in life and the Mission Statement posted at the bottom of every email I send: HopeGraceAncient Wisdom.  There are very deep, personal reasons I create products and teach the topics I do:

  • I recycle as often as possible because I hope the planet can heal and am saddened by the amount of waste we create.
  • I keep my products affordable for the public without devaluing what I create, because I was Graced with an ability to help heal.
  • I believe that following the older laws of nature is a better path than the current system of healing.
tiller & rye cooking demo

Adult Ed Fall Events in Maine

Join me September, October, and November, while I offer courses in Dexter, Hampden, Orono, and Dover-Foxcroft. Discover the truth behind the trends. We’ll cover how you can heal with

  • Hope – plant-based, low-fat meals designed to reverse our impact on planet Earth,
  • Grace – organic skincare made with ingredients you can pronounce that won’t add toxins to our water and soil, 
  • Ancient Wisdom – it’s time we stop listening to external sources and tune in to our internal cues. Forget Fads. Learn the Facts.
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